PIGSO Learning is an Educational Startup, Providing Gpsc exam preparation and Higher educational Online Courses and related services.
15000+ already joined with PIGSO learning. We are happy to be a part of the success journey of our students.
Gpsc exam preparation app
Best app for gpsc preparation you can learn and check your knowledge to give on an online test to crack gpsc exam is not hard with pigso learning. Gpsc exam preparation app helps to get higher marks in the gpsc exam. Prepare all content based on expert gpsc exam faculties to make the best gpsc exam preparation app.
PIGSO learning gpsc online app also provides daily gpsc exam related current affairs, job information and discussion forums to crack gpsc exam.
Civil engineering course
Top best civil engineering platforms provide learning, internship, project work, training and placement to civil engineering students.
Offer civil engineering online courses for all the branches and civil engineering software courses like structural engineering design, structural engineering courses, Autocad online course for civil engineering, Autocad for civil engineering. Autocad drawing and Calculus mathematics courses all help civil engineering students and higher education students.
We are developing a skill-based Digital Learning Platform that provides learning, research , internship or training, and placement to higher educational college students and working professionals. We can assist by providing the necessary skill sets and making them industry-ready.
Our motive is every student gets professional industry base experience on their college duration and gets a job based on their performance.
Pigso Learning - Educational Revolutionary Indian Startup Company
Single Platform for All In One Solutions
What we offer,
1. Learning courses
2. Certified Courses /Job Oriented
3. Project Work
4. Internship/Training
5. Job & Placement
Learn anytime anywhere
Certification courses for civil engineering bridge the gap between Degree Course and Industry to make them Job ready.
Civil engineering softwares designing offers Industrial Training Program - BIM, Autocad drawing, Staad PRO, ETabs, Revit etc.
Project Guide - Complete your project with proper research and innovation that's help you to discover yourself in the civil engineering world that would benefit you in the job hunt Phase.
Industry related experience helps you to discover yourself with our experts which will give you Practical knowledge and would help in Job Hunt Phase.
Job and Placement - Get yourself enrolled in certified courses and get placement assistance.
If you have any query feel free to contact us on: pigsolearning@gmail.com